ITF Installation and configuration

Distribution zip content

ITF is distributed as a zipped file. You should have received a zip file called , where x is major version and y is minor version.

Once you unzip the distribution file, you will find the following directories:

  1. lib folder contains jars that are needed by client(IDE) to invoke test cases on IIQ server using Junit approach.
  2. doc folder that contains documentation pdf.
  3. iiq_plugin folder that contains IdentityIQ plugin zip file.
  4. intellij_plugin folder that contains IDEA IntelliJ IDE plugin zip file.
  5. itf folder that contains directory structure and ift configuration files that need to be copied to SSB directory. ITF dtd schema files are also stored in that folder.
  6. simulator folder contains jar used to simulate provisioning in ITF.

Configuring ITF

Disclaimer: The following documentation provides step-by-step instruction on how to configure ITF in SSB based build. If you are using different build, some steps may be different. In such case, please contact us for assistance.