ITF IntelliJ plugin functionalities

DA Equivalent

As a SailPoint developer, you should be familiar with Eclipse DA(DeploymentAccelerator) plugin. It is a "must have" during IIQ development. Because of that reason, our plugin contains the most essential functions of DA, just for IntelliJ platform.

The Plugin provides you with the ability to:

  1. Upload IIQ Objects
  2. Download IIQ Objects
  3. Refresh IIQ Objects
  4. Compare IIQ Objects with a remote version

Environments usage

All IIQ object operations can communicate with all your environments defined in files. Plugin will allow you to select any of the defined environments to interact with as long as you define the following properties inside each files:

Property name Description Sample value
%%ECLIPSE_URL%% Url of IdentityIQ server http://localhost:8080/identityiq
%%ECLIPSE_USER%% Name of the user spadmin
%%ECLIPSE_PASS%% Plain text password admin
Since password is stored in plain text and possibly being committed to git repository, do not use this for important environments, where access is restricted.

As long as these three values are provided, ITF plugin will read them and give you an ability to manipulate IIQ objects on that server.

Upload IIQ Objects

To upload an XML object(s) from your build to IIQ server, right-click on the xml file (containing the object), select ITF (1), Deploy Artifact (2) and select environment (3). deploy object 1.png This option will only be available for files which are recognized as IdentityIQ XML object files.

Once the object is correctly uploaded, you will get a balloon confirmation. deploy object confirm.png

In a case or error during uploading, you will get a balloon error message with problem description. deploy object error.png

You can select multiple objects at a time to upload.

Download IIQ Objects

To download an XML Object(s) from IIQ server and save it in XML file, right-click on directory where you want the file stored, select ITF (1), "Import Object from IIQ" (2) and select environment (3). download object 1.png

The Selection window will pop up, in which you need to select object type (1) and an object (2). You can select multiple objects of the same type. You can use the "Object filter" field to search for an object by name.
download object select.png

Keep in mind that in an environment with a large number of objects, reading object list from IIQ server may take a few seconds. It is possible to preload some of the object lists, but that requires customization (please contact us if interested).

Once the object(s) is downloaded, a new XML file in the selected directory will be created with object content, and you will see a balloon confirmation with the name of the object.

download object confirmation.png

"Download objects" strips all ids, create and modify timestamps from downloaded objects.

Download option will only be available when directory is selected in the Project pane.

Refresh IIQ Objects

Lets you refresh an IdentityIQ object(s) with the version from IIQ server. This option is available for files which are recognized as IdentityIQ XML object files.

To refresh an object(s) from IIQ server, right-click on the xml file (containing the object) in Project pane and select ITF (1), Refresh Object (2) and select environment (3).

refresh object.png

The Plugin will download the current version of the object from IIQ server and replace the content of the file with it.

Compare IIQ Objects

Lets you compare an XML IdentityIQ object(s) with the version on IIQ server and apply changes to the local file one by one. This option is available for files which are recognized as IdentityIQ XML object files.

To compare an object(s) with the version on IIQ server, right-click on the xml file (containing the object) in Project pane and select ITF (1), Compare Object (2) and select environment (3).

compare object.png

The Plugin will download the current version of the object from IIQ server and compare it with the local file in IntelliJ compare tool. Please follow the IntelliJ instructions for the compare tool to apply changes.

compare object intellij.png

IIQ XML Object files recognition

File must meet the following requirements to be recognized as IdentityIQ XML object file:

  1. Must have .xml extension.
  2. Must be a proper XML file.
  3. Must contain saipoint.dtd in the signature.

ITF helper functionalities

New ITF Test Case

You can create a new ITF Test CAse by creating a new XML file and manually filling out the required content, but with plugin you can do it with a single click.

To create a new ITF Test Case, right-click on the directory where you want the file stored, select New -> "ITF Test Case" new ITF test case.png

A window will pop up for you to fill out the test case name. The name of the file will reflect the name of the test case, and you will get a blank ITF test case to work with. new ITF test case file.png

Insert ITF Element

This option lets you insert various ITF elements into an ITF test case. It's available on the po up menu when you right-click inside XML ITF test case file. Insert ITF element popup.png

Depending on where you click, you will get different options.

Insert Test Identity

Anywhere you right-click inside the test case, you will get an option to insert a Test Identity. insert test identity menu.png

Inserting identity lets you choose an identity from IIQ server and select what parts of it you want to include. You will always get all identity attributes, but in addition you can select to keep or remove: links, manager, roles, role assignments, and finally you can decide to include simulation command with all the applications that chosen identity has.
insert test identity selection.png

Insert Identity Validation

Insert Approval

Insert Account Request


Insert Approval Summary Validation

Insert Mocked Aggregation

Insert Identity Refresh command

Generate Mocked Aggregation file

Save Test Case to IIQ

More, soon to come...